Map of Southern Savage Divide Region of Appalachia, West Virginia for Fallout 76 Video Game. In front of those two jeeps are three Aster plants. At the base of the tall lookout tower, there are two rusted out jeeps. Face the tower stairs, then turn towards the south. Aster Plants at the East Mountain Lookout East Mountain Lookout is in the Savage Divide.

East Mountain Lookout Mountainside Bed-and-Breakfast The Vantage Solomon’s Pond Twin Lakes Investigator’s Cabin Huntersville Devil’s Backbone Relay Tower … Walk forward and some spikes should eventually get in your way. Relay Tower EM-B1-27 Green Country Lodge Flatwoods. Fallout 76 Official Digital Strategy Guide for PC, PS4, Xbox One. They’ve worked with us to create this interactive map to offer insight into the matchup between the fictional sites and real-world West Virginia attractions. Through an exclusive partnership with Bethesda Softworks ®, we’ve got the inside scoop on all the West Virginia sites. Go east of the South mountain lookout and climb down to the plateaus with the trees. Atlas Observatory The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Visit South Mountain Lookout Tower Visit Whitespring Lookout Tower If you’re looking for help with the Backpacker knowledge exam, we have the questions and answers at the bottom of this article in an expandable tab.

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Benchmark located directly east from the lookout tower on the cliff. Just beyond the spikes, you will see another survey marker. Lookout Towers Fallout 76 Points of interest You can use lookout towers to discover unmarked locations on the map around the tower.